Friday Buffet

Food is too cheap, according to the head of Unilever, which prompts much waste in the developed world. Yes, but…there are still so many who don’t get enough to eat.

Meanwhile, in that same article, we learn that Londoners waste half the food they buy.

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Not to be outdone, the entire country of Australia wastes 50 percent of its food. Crikey.

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And it’s 40 percent in Hong Kong, but some movement is afoot to lower the amount of waste.

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After learning that the school wastes a ton of food daily, University of Scranton students are trying to reduce food waste next week through the Waste Less, Do More campaign (@WasteLessDoMore).

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Finally, this is so cool: A Danish supermarket chain is crowd-sourcing ideas on how to reduce waste and giving a $5,000 prize to the winning idea. One of the three finalists: sell soon-to-expire items at a discount and, in order to encourage shoppers to buy them, donate the difference between new and original prices to charity.

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