Alphabet Produce: V bean

Continuing our alphabet produce series, here’s a very curved, V-like green bean. In my mind, it’s a lowercase cursive v.

This bean brought to you by Verizon

This beaut and all the other letter produce communicate that real food has curves (or it may be straight), and it’s not homogenous. Important: the above V bean tasted exactly the same as his straight brethren.

I found this V-bean in a bag of beans from my man George of Lil’ Farm. I’m not sure how George creates 110-degree angles in his beans, but I’m impressed. Now, if he could only grow us a vowel…


I just found an even better one. And as my wife pointed out (and I was too thick to realize), it could also be an L. So I’m counting it for both! That’s 7 letters down, 19 to go!

V or L??

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  1. By בוטוקס פנים on September 27, 2012 at 10:09 am

    בוטוקס פנים…

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