Tag Archives: alphabet

Alphabet Produce: V bean

Continuing our alphabet produce series, here’s a very curved, V-like green bean. In my mind, it’s a lowercase cursive v. This beaut and all the other letter produce communicate that real food has curves (or it may be straight), and it’s not homogenous. Important: the above V bean tasted exactly the same as his straight […]

September 17, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market | Comments closed

Just one Q…

Continuing the on the theme of alphabet veggies…here is one crazy Q cuke. So we have C, J, S, W and now Q. It’s definitely time for a vowel. Please send in your own letter produce pics–we’ll get that alphabet sooner or later! And remember–real food has curves! Or is straight. You get the idea–it’s not […]

September 10, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market, Garden | Comments closed

Wwwhat’s up, Doc?

Continuing on the summer theme of alphabet veggies, here’s another letter. So we have C, J, S and, now…W! (Still looking for a vowel.) While we’re moving away from squash, this carrot is pretty impressive. Thanks to young Mia, a friend of a friend, for picking and posing with this fabulous W carrot. And to think, […]

August 8, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market, Garden | Comments closed