Tag Archives: Super Bowl

The Compost Bowl

It might be a white Super Bowl, but it’ll definitely be a green-ish one. For the first time, food scraps from the Super Bowl will be composted. That’s not a huge suprise, given that MetLife Stadium, host of this Sunday’s big game, has separated and composted food waste for two years. Still, it will be […]

January 27, 2014 | Posted in Composting, Events, Food Recovery | Comments closed

Super Monday

Good to hear the NFL’s habit of recovering edible food from its Super Bowls continued last night in Dallas. This tradition of excellence donation has been happening for almost 20 years now. The NFL works with local food recovery groups and acquires food from events leading up to the game and the game itself (both high […]

February 7, 2011 | Posted in Events, Food Recovery, Household | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

The latest version of Freakonomics Radio has a few fascinating bits linked to reducing waste. There’s the food scientist who’s worked on canning tomatoes to maximize taste and minimize waste. And then there’s an inventor who created a “food printer” that could trim waste by creating just the right amount of food, through just-in-time cooking. […]

February 4, 2011 | Posted in Friday Buffet, Household, Supermarket, Technology | Comments closed