Friday Buffet

The latest version of Freakonomics Radio has a few fascinating bits linked to reducing waste. There’s the food scientist who’s worked on canning tomatoes to maximize taste and minimize waste. And then there’s an inventor who created a “food printer” that could trim waste by creating just the right amount of food, through just-in-time cooking.

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Because I’m a fan of Portland, dumpster diving and Fred Armisen, theĀ Portlandia send up of freeganism really hit the spot.

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This piece contains some Thanksgiving-like advice for avoiding excessive Super Bowl leftovers: Give it away

If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party, plan to have resealable plastic bags and food-storage containers handy to send guests home with goodies. This works perfectly for potato and pasta salads, as well as cookies and other sweets.

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Finally, check out this Carrots ‘N Cake post on saving money at the grocery store. Many of the tips double as ways to reduce waste. The two usually go hand-in-hand.

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