I’ve done a decent amount of media in my, gulp, 10+ years of writing about food waste. But this Meet the MISFITS feature was among the most fun and introspective interviews I’ve done. The  neat people behind MISFIT Juicery curate these interviews in addition to making beverages out of ‘aesthetically-challenged’ produce.

As an interview bonus, I got to nod at my all-time favorite food-related song, Rufus Thomas’ “Fried Chicken.” I am in love with Thomas’ mix of soul and practicality (i.e. talking about making leftover stew). Because, really, what’s more soulful than using up leftover food?? OK, don’t answer that–I may be a little biased here… But anyway, the song is embedded at the bottom of the MISFIT interview and below. Don’t miss the beauty that begins at the 1:05 mark…

Bonus ethical discussion: If we’re going to eat animals–an entirely separate discussion–the least we can do is use the entire animal. And this song espouses doing just that. #Gizzards

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