Monday Buffet

Wasted food = wasted water. This handy Ecocentric blog post reminds us of that truth.

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Mixed news from Massachusetts: The DEP confirmed its upcoming 2014 commercial food waste ban and pushed for a 30 percent waste reduction by 2020 (Hooray!). But it also announced that they would remove the moratorium on building new trash-burning (not to be confused with actual waste-to-energy) facilities (Boooo).

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Across the pond, UK retailers have voluntarily agreed to food and packaging waste goals. It’s the third such agreement, called the Courtauld Commitment. Meanwhile, British retailer Waitrose announced an ambitious plan to exceed those goals by halving food packaging by 2016.

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Finally, I enjoyed the message about conflicting government programs leading to food waste in this Detroit News blog post, but I wanted more details. Give me an example!

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