Change That Looks Back

Happy Monday and Happy Martin Luther King Day. I hope you’re honoring Dr. King in whatever manner you see fit.

In case you’ve been in a cave, Tuesday we swear in Barack Obama as the 44th President. Regardless of your political persuasion, there’s no arguing that it will be a historic day (and in my opinion, a great one, too).

What better way to celebrate this event than by looking back into history. That’s just what the folks at the White House Organic Farm have advocated for some months. TheWhoFarm people want our next President to replant the vegetable garden at the White House.

In addition to providing fresh produce for state dinners (and the First Family), a White House veggie garden would set a great example for our nation–especially during this economic downturn–by promoting backyard gardens.

*And,* check out Article V of the petition:

The White House Organic Farm will use healthy topsoil, nourished by compost supplements from yard and food waste from all three branches of the federal government

Pretty cool.

If the petition sounds like something you can support, I urge you to sign. A White House garden would not only be change you can believe in, but also reactionary. It’s not often those two factors coexist. Besides, what’s more American than participating in the political process by making your opinion known?

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