Friday Buffet

Palo Alto, Calif., has formed a Blue Ribbon Task Force to study how best to compost food waste. Is it just me, or does that description seem a bit outdated. Will they form a second place task force, too?

At least the group won’t be influenced by the city council. Sayeth councilman Larry Klein:

“You don’t advise your advisors on what they should advise you,” Klein said.

— —Bacon Fat. Photo by Editor B (via Creative Commons)

Save your bacon fat–it’s handy for cooking all kinds of things, including dog treats!

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Here’s a neat and short audio slideshow about a French woman salvaging the remains from the produce market in Versailles. (Select the “Danny” story).

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Why plan a weekly menu? Here’s why.

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As you can see in a reprint of last week’s Austin American-Statesman article, I’ve apparently decided to change the spell-ing of my name.

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