Tag Archives: united against waste

Danes Demand an End to Waste

On Friday, Copenhagen will be…United Against Food Waste. The day will be a first: industry, government and consumers joining in a public event to tackle food waste. Even more encouraging, stakeholders from various stages of the food chain will speak at the event, which falls under the EU FUSIONS umbrella. In addition to the speeches, the […]

October 2, 2013 | Posted in Events, Food Recovery, Hunger, International | Comments closed

Can Unilever Unite Restaurants Against Waste?

A recent survey found that 80 percent of U.S. restaurant customers were concerned by the amount of food being tossed at restaurants and cafeterias. But shouldn’t it be 100 percent? Either way, it’s nice to know that Unilever, who commissioned the study, has launched the United Against Waste campaign to get restaurateurs…united against waste. Once restaurateurs […]

November 16, 2011 | Posted in Restaurant | Comments closed