Tag Archives: Iowa

Friday Buffet

Uber-media-friendly app LeftoverSwap launches today! Hopefully its impact will match its ability to generate press. — — Next week is Zero Waste Week! Drop by, sign up and zero out waste…with many of the helpful tips that Rachelle and crew will be providing. — — Glad to hear that the Emirates Environmental Group in the […]

August 30, 2013 | Posted in Composting, General, International, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Iowa Project Fights Food Waste

Not every state has its own Waste Reduction Center. Even fewer have a state-wide Food Waste Reduction Project. Actually, I can’t think of one. While Iowa has long had the former (a part of the University of Northern Iowa for 25 years), it just now has the latter with the launch of the Iowa Food […]

May 2, 2013 | Posted in Waste Stream | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

Love this idea: a Love Your Leftovers site from the UN Environmental Programme. Add your favorite leftovers recipe to the site and you might win a prize and/or become web-famous. — — The Iowa Senate passed an interesting bill on Wednesday that would require the state to promote food waste reduction and recovery. The Des […]

March 29, 2013 | Posted in Composting, Friday Buffet, International, Leftovers | Comments closed