Tag Archives: farmers' market

Produce Name Game

Alphabet produce, my favorite pet topic, reared its curvy little head this weekend. Normally, I post pics of fruits and veggies that resemble a letter or number. On Saturday, though, I found three such oddities. And in an amazing bit of Scrabble karma, they just happened to be the letters that spell my name: I […]

September 2, 2014 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market | Comments closed

V is for V-Carrot

This past summer I shared several examples of alphabet produce. While I haven’t seen many of those wonderful oddities recently, given the decreased homegrown and farmers’ market produce, I recently came across this beauty on my last market outing: This carrot makes a great ‘V’ and could even double as an ‘A.’ It also makes a […]

January 16, 2014 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market | Comments closed

Caring Through Crops

When you’re starting a food recovery operation, it helps to have a catchy name. And if you can coin a verb to go with it–even better. The Fayetteville, Arkansas-based founders of Seeds that Feed have accomplished both. CareCropping, their play on ‘sharecropping,’ is a way for gardeners and farmers to alleviate hunger by donating a […]

August 13, 2012 | Posted in Farmers' Market, Food Recovery | Comments closed

Farmers’ Market Food Recovery

A personal update: I recently began working with a local non-profit called Farmer Foodshare. It’s a neat organization that redistributes farmers’ market excess to those in need while supporting small farmers. Here’s how it works: Market shoppers donate money (or food). We use that money to buy from farmers. At the end of the market, farmers […]

June 11, 2012 | Posted in Farmers' Market, Food Recovery, Personal | Comments closed

In Defense of Real Food

Here’s exhibit A on why I love farmers’ markets (and vegetable gardens). Where else is there a market for something as unique-looking as this?! The conventional retail system has no use for this kind of cucumber. It’d never leave the farm. But–you’ll never believe it–this curvy cuke tasted a) like a regular cucumber and b) […]

May 16, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market, Personal | Comments closed