Tag Archives: Farm

Friday Buffet

The NRDC is at it again, this time publishing an issue brief on fruit and vegetable loss at the farm and packing level. Hot off the press! — — Here are a few Big Facts: 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted globally every year. That equates to 6-10% of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. — […]

December 14, 2012 | Posted in College, Composting, Environment, International, Stats | Comments closed

No Treats from this Trick

Given the name of this blog, I can’t condone the practice of shooting pumpkins at a bus. But I can’t get too worked up about it, either. Especially when it produces the same end result as a jack-o-lantern: an uneaten pumpkin. Enjoy this odd scene… Incidentally, a researcher of a soon-to-be published study told me […]

October 27, 2010 | Posted in Farm | Comments closed