Friday Buffet

Might we see curbside food waste collection in Ohio? Some towns near Columbus are considering it.

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A Little Caesars franchisee in Florida recently started donating all unsold pizzas to a United Way soup kitchen. Never having lived in a Little Caesar’s state (despite enduring their ads), I couldn’t imagine why they had so much excess until I saw this photo. And while it’s happy news from Florida, think of what’s happening in many other places: photo by willie lunchmeat via creatvie commons

Little Caesars had been routinely throwing out food because it was considered wasted after 30 minutes, Rettig said. 

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I guess the editors at The News-Press, of Fort Meyers, had food waste on their minds.

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Here’s an idea for a fridge that would reduce waste and enable composting. I don’t quite get how it helps you see what’s in it (wouldn’t clear doors be better?) but having a compost bin right in your kitchen would be handy. Anyway, it’s a neat idea.

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I enjoyed this headline. Encouraging tray news abounds.

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Finally, here are some tips about fridge and freezer use that could ultimately prevent food from experiencing a premature demise.

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