Loyola Plate Waste

Sticking with the college theme (I guess this has become college week) students at Loyola University Chicago have launched a food waste committee to investigate the issue after a student study found 1,100 pounds of plate waste–what diners take but don’t eat–per day at the school of 15,000.

According to this article, two thirds of Loyolans think campus food waste is a problem, 92 percent think the school should do something about it and 99 percent don’t want to do anything about it themselves. OK, I made up that last one. And at least there’s a committee.

Dr. J. Marshall Eames, a professor of environmental studies, is now conducting an official survey of plate waste as part of the campus’ overall sustainability study. While he calls the 1,100 pound figure “anecdotal,” Eames said he “wouldn’t be surprised if it was correct.”

“That seemed like a very large number; that got our attention, too. It’s very disturbing to be at a Jesuit institution and be wasting that much food,” said Eames.

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