Tag Archives: ugly produce

Wholly Ugly!

Whole Foods just announced that they will pilot selling cosmetically imperfect fruits and vegetables in several Northern California stores. Well, the retailer didn’t really announce it, USA Today did in a recent article. And then an unnamed Whole Foods spokesperson tentatively confirmed it to NPR. But still, this is both great news and a bit amusing. It’s great […]

March 8, 2016 | Posted in Supermarket | Comments closed

Letter Rip!

Now that the summer produce season is in full swing… We  really need your help in creating an alphabet out of fruit and vegetables. Just to give you a sense, here are some previous examples. Once we get all the letters, we’ll create an awesome alphabet poster. So please tweet your letter-like garden and market […]

July 20, 2015 | Posted in Alphabet Produce | Comments closed

Public Service Reminder

Don’t forget: it’s what’s inside that counts!

March 31, 2015 | Posted in Household | Comments closed

Unique Lessons

I saw this beauty this weekend at the farmers’ market and fell in love. You say ugly, I say gorgeous.  Is it a V? Maybe a U? Perhaps an N or a C? Yes. The best part of this saga is that my son needed to bring in two sweet potatoes for a class soup […]

March 10, 2015 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, School | Comments closed

Send Me Your Produce Letters!

I’ve often posted pictures of fruits and vegetables shaped like letters on this blog. You know, alphabet produce. Until now, I’ve just shared the oddities that I’ve found at farmers’ markets and in my home garden, but I haven’t sought contributions from the outside world. That’s about to change. As of this very moment, I’m […]

January 14, 2015 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Campaigns, Farmers' Market, Garden | Comments closed

Produce Name Game

Alphabet produce, my favorite pet topic, reared its curvy little head this weekend. Normally, I post pics of fruits and veggies that resemble a letter or number. On Saturday, though, I found three such oddities. And in an amazing bit of Scrabble karma, they just happened to be the letters that spell my name: I […]

September 2, 2014 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market | Comments closed

Curved Cuke

By this point, you know that I love nothing more than unique produce. Whether it’s ugly fruit, knotty carrots or letter-shaped veggies. This curved cuke–bought at the farmers’ market–fits that category quite well. And it also doubles as a nice toy gun (if you’re into that kind of thing). Best of all, this cucumber tasted […]

June 24, 2013 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farm, Farmers' Market | Comments closed

Want Something Wonky?

This week we learned that more than 80 percent of Britons are willing to buy produce of imperfect shape or color. At least that’s what they said when asked that in a poll conducted by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Note–they weren’t asked about fruits and vegetables with blemishes or bruises, but just the so-called “ugly” fruits […]

February 28, 2013 | Posted in International, Supermarket | Comments closed

Meet J Cuke

Next up in this burgeoning series of alphabet cucumbers, is this fabulous J. Or, as I call him, J Cuke. Given my first name, I’m quite fond of this cuke. I’m going to have a hard time bringing myself to cut into it. Then again–who am I kidding?–it won’t be that hard. This curved cuke, […]

June 13, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market, Household, Personal | Comments closed