Tag Archives: avoiding waste

Love Food, Hate Wasting Money

You know what’s weird? We pay such close attention to saving a buck or two at the supermarket, but rarely consider how much money we’re throwing away through the food we waste.

May 7, 2015 | Posted in General, Household, Supermarket | Comments closed

A Spot of History

Our friend Kirsten Bourne, marketing director for San Francisco’s Bi-Rite Market, was at a British-themed party recently and came across the tome to the right. She kindly sent me a passage from these instructions for US personnel headed to Britain during World War II. As you can see in the text below, the manual has […]

December 5, 2012 | Posted in History and Culture, International | Comments closed

Just one Q…

Continuing the on the theme of alphabet veggies…here is one crazy Q cuke. So we have C, J, S, W and now Q. It’s definitely time for a vowel. Please send in your own letter produce pics–we’ll get that alphabet sooner or later! And remember–real food has curves! Or is straight. You get the idea–it’s not […]

September 10, 2012 | Posted in Alphabet Produce, Farmers' Market, Garden | Comments closed

Use That Food!

Here’s a neat one: UseTheFood is a free site that helps you find recipes to…use the food. Your food, that is. As of today, the startup goes from private beta to public beta. In other words, you can search the listings. I haven’t looked through it much, but I like the a feature that allows you […]

August 20, 2012 | Posted in Household, Personal | Comments closed

Naval Gazing

I recently came across an amazing collection of vintage Navy posters dealing with–you guessed it–food waste. Avoiding waste, to be more specific. I’d only previously seen one of these posters, so you can imagine my excitement–especially as I’m a bit of a propaganda geek. The Navy’s Bureau of Supplies and Accounts produced this set of […]

January 10, 2011 | Posted in History and Culture | Comments closed

Be Thankful, Not Wasteful

I hinted at this on Monday, but I wanted to throw down an expanded call to action for Thanksgiving and after: Be Thankful, Not Wasteful Thanksgiving celebrates abundance. And we should absolutely enjoy the celebration. At the same time, I don’t think we honor anyone or anything by wasting food. I’m calling on you to […]

November 24, 2010 | Posted in History and Culture | Comments closed

Turkey Week Project

It’s that time of year again–when I start thinking about the glorious Thanksgiving…leftovers! If you’re like me, you might be craving that day-after sandwich as much as the day-of dinner. Yet, with all of our abundance, though, comes the threat of waste. That’s why I’m hoping you guys will submit some advice here and on […]

November 22, 2010 | Posted in Events, History and Culture, Household | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

I’ve seen refrigerator makers leverage keeping foods fresher, longer, but I’ve never seen such an overt discussion of how a fridge avoids waste (and saves bushels of cash!). — — Wait, there’s a composting operation in Las Vegas?! Things are looking up. Then again…A1 organics is generating complaints from neighbors (who moved into homes in […]

August 6, 2010 | Posted in College, Composting, Household, International, Trayless | Comments closed