Friday Buffet

While the prices of many foods are rising, you can’t say that about some edibles. This graphic shows some traditional barbecue items have decreased in the last ten years (after adjusting for inflation).

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Here’s a neat web segment (and accompanying blog post) in which a restaurant owner explains why she composts. Oh Portland, you’re so damn progressive!

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Anaerobic digestion continues to be the best way to process food that’s already wasted. Of course, we should still try to reduce the amount of food that is wasted.

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Yesterday, the California Senate passed the bill guaranteeing catering customers the right to take home or donate excess food. This bill, which would be a real boon for food recovery, now goes to the California Assembly (the House) for a vote. Here’s one man’s view on why it’s a good idea.

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They’re growing vegetables again in London’s St. James Park to commemorate WWII Victory Gardens. Could be a small sign that the mainstream valuing of food–in the UK, US and everywhere–is near.

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