I Love L.A.

Cheer up, L.A. Your basketball team may have gotten smoked by the Celtics, but at least things are looking up on the food waste front.

photo by laughing squid via flickrThe City of Angels will launch a pilot program for household food waste composting in September. While the test program will only include 8,700 homes, let’s hope it catches hold because it’s needed.

The Daily News article says that a whopping 27 percent of the city’s regular trash is food waste. Considering the U.S. average is 18 percent, I’d say L.A. is due.

Participants will be given little pails for their food waste, which they’ll dump into the existing yard waste collection service. Kind of like the Lakers got dumped…

All ‘trash talk’ aside, let’s hope this program takes root. If curbside composting flies in L.A.–a place where style seems to trump substance–it can work anywhere!

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