Friday Buffet

The uneaten food fee at buffets makes an appearance in NYC. It’s an interesting strategy, but can prompt overeating. The real solution–get rid of all you can eat.

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National Restaurant Association Show exhibitors donated enough food from their 4-day show to make nearly 42,000 meals. And something tells me the donated foods are top notch.

The NRA donations increased by 12 percent from last year, which is good because the Greater Chicago Food Depository said that they serve 77 percent more customers than they did four years ago.

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The Non-Consumer Advocate has a useful tip for transforming herbs from droopy to perky.

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Come on, Philly! You can do better than just encouraging people to send food waste down the drain. Waste-to-energy schemes  at wastewater treatment plants aren’t nearly as efficient as composting or anaerobic digestion.

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Speaking of which…anaerobic digestion produces both energy and a useful soil amendment that can be used to help nourish football pitches soccer fields.

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