I’m not much for cooking shows. I can’t stomach all those wasted ingredients as they switch from the mixing bowl to the version finishing in the oven. Plus, they make me hungry.
But I wanted to give credit where it’s due to an obscure host named Rachael Ray. You may have seen her on your box of Wheat Thins or Triscuits. Despite her mega-fame, she’s sticking by her upbringing in delivering bottom-of-the-jar recipes to the masses. From her site:
Rachael comes from a big Italian family where nothing goes to waste — not even that little bit of jam at the bottom of the jar!
My favorite (in theory) is the Spicy Peanut Thai Dipper. Who doesn’t like peanut sauce and who doesn’t have a bit of peanut butter left at the end of the jar? Of course, you could always use that small spatula and just spread it on another P.B. & J., but as long as you’re avoiding waste I’m not complaining.
While these four recipes are a start, I’d love to see “Rach” push her legions of fans toward being more resourceful. Imagine the impact she could have if she wrote something half as useful as the Use-It-Up Cookbook or the better 1984 version