Tag Archives: Sweden

Monday Roundup

Plenty of news from Food Waste World recently: There’s an increased likelihood of the EU banning “best before” labels on shelf-stable foods like grains, canned goods and frozen items. The Dutch and Swedish farming ministers sent a letter recommending that course of action to the EU Agriculture Council, who discussed the issue today (but didn’t […]

May 19, 2014 | Posted in Casino, College, Composting, Environment, International, Waste Ban | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

English police arrested a woman who took waffles, pies and other goods thrown out by an English food retailer after the store lost power for a while. The craziest part is that the police tracked her down later at her home and took her away in handcuffs. Here’s a sensible commentary on the matter. — — […]

February 18, 2011 | Posted in Energy, Freegan, Friday Buffet, Household, International | Comments closed