Friday Buffet

Don’t look now, but Walmart is doing it again. The retail giant announced plans to reduce food waste at its stores by 10 to 15 percent! Hopefully this prompts other supermarkets to keep pace.

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Salon offered up the useful, fun Seven Tasty Ways to Stop Wasting Food. My favorite–“Don’t be a wuss” (eat food past its expiration date).

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While some of us mourn the SunChips compostable bag, UK chip-maker Walkers are working on a bag made from potato peels that would be compostable. No word yet on whether it will be edible, too.

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Annie Leonard, who brought us the fabulous Story of Stuff, has teamed with PBS to make online episodes for kids called Loop Scoops. The webisode on garbage includes composting and ends with the valuable lesson, “Less chucking, more recycling makes you not a bozo,” including composting.

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Finally, if you find yourself a) planning a large event or festival and b) wanting to divert food from the landfill, check out this guide.

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