Student Work

With graduation in the air (colleges, at least), I thought I’d share this school-related story.

I recently corresponded with a ninth grader named Kristin on the topic of food waste. She was writing a social studies paper on hunger and waste, and she contacted me after finding this site. This was the second time a high schooler had written me on the topic, which is two more times than I expected.

Kristin was good enough to e-mail me her final paper, an impressive report well beyond her years, and I wanted to share it with you. Those who bemoan the state of American education, read her report: kristin-w-final-paper.pdf (And I’m not just saying that because she quoted me.)

To whet your appetite, here’s how she describes her school cafeteria:

Trash cans spilled over with uneaten tater tots, cookies and sandwiches, waiting to be taken away to a landfill to rot. 

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